

Working closely together with R&D departments of our customers on confidential research topics, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are of course self-evident. Our analysis and reports are used for GLP-reports.
At the same time, we have a strong academic background and have published original research articles in high-ranked journals together with our academic customers
Our main areas of analysis are focussing on bone, dental, cardiovascular and biomaterial research.

Example 1: 3D architecture of bone from mm to nm (synchrotron-μCT and -nanoCT)

Watch our visualization of a bone-on-a-chip specimen including >200.000 segmented lacunae, the respective connected component analysis and a thickness map (cooperation with Universitätsmedizin Greifswald and cells+tissuebank Austria gGmbH):

Example 2: support of pre-clinical studies - visualization of bone and soft tissue (synchrotron-μCT and -nanoCT)

Example 3: Quantification of Mg and Y concentration of biodegradable Mg-based implants (synchrotron-XRF)


Janosch Schoon, Bernhard Hesse, Anastasia Rakow, Melanie J. Ort, Adrien Lagrange, Dorit Jacobi, Annika Winter et al. Metal-Specific Biomaterial Accumulation in Human Peri-Implant Bone and Bone Marrow. Advanced Science (2020): 2000412.

Katja Nelson, Bernhard Hesse, Owen Addison, Alexander P. Morrell, Christian Gross, Adrien Lagrange, Vanessa I. Suarez, Ralf Kohal, and Tobias Fretwurst. Distribution and chemical speciation of exogenous micro-and nanoparticles in inflamed soft tissue adjacent to titanium and ceramic dental implants. Analytical Chemistry (2020).

Bernhard Hesse et al. Canalicular network morphology is the major determinant of the spatial distribution of mass density in human bone tissue: evidence by means of synchrotron radiation phase-contrast nano-CT. Journal of bone and mineral research 30, no. 2 (2015): 346-356.